- Roughing in the river
- Taming the Genesee
- “This stupendous fabric”
- Maude Motley and “The Romance of Milling”
- Over the river
- On the brink
- There for the taking
- Seneca River Crossing
- Path across the water
- Wagons ho!
- The mystery of the missing pumps, part two
- Moon over Little Falls
- To build a bridge
- All in the details
- Sculpting the Falls
- Locks and keys
- Detour to Little Falls
- Durhams, freighters, scows, and packets
- The mystery of the missing pumps, part one
- Rewatering the marsh
- Crossing Cayuga Marsh
- The legend of Lars Larson
- Finishing the Noses
- Everyday clothing
- Taking the packet
- The crossing
- Up from the depths
- Into the west
- Restoring a lost valley
- Navigating the Noses
- Finishing touches
- The contractor and the engineer
- Paddy on the canal
- The Deep Cut: Finishing the terrain
- Tools of the trade
- Making the cut
- Mr. Dibble’s machine
- Rocks, and more rocks
- Excavating the Deep Cut
- Ford 1912 Torpedo Runabout
- A Nod to Henry Ford
- A New Set of Wheels
- Getting Up Steam
- Expanding the Fleet
- Growth Opportunities
- Shading Car 505
- Raising Car 505
- Electric Ghosts
- Have Boat, Will Travel
- Building the Bridge
- Bridging the Erie Canal